I am a 26-year-old mother of one! Born 5 months ago at 9lb3oz, my baby did a number on my body. I know I will never look like my high school self, but that doesn't mean I have to throw the cards in. Being MOMMY doesn't mean I can't be SKINNY! I do love exercise, however, I hate working out. I want to take my baby for a swim or extend my grocery shopping trip to add some more steps but screw the gym! My ideal weight will be attained through my diet: cooking, researching, swapping...here's how I do it!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Discovery: Thomas Bagel Thins

I recently discovered Thomas Bagel Thins!  They're just 110 calories, 1g of fat, available in plain, whole wheat, cinnamon raisin and everything (I chose whole wheat, gotta get that fiber.  Next time, I'm all over the cinnamon raisin.).  I toast them and add a thin layer of a low fat buttery spready and munch!

Visit their website for serving suggestions.


  1. Have you tried the Laughing Cow light cheese wedges? Only 35 calories, 1.5 g of fat and delicious and spreadable!
    These would be great on your toasted thin.

  2. @Ann, I haven't tried them...I definitely know all about them thru Hungry Girl, but the grocery store near our last house was a "convenience location" so if something didn't sell they got rid of it!

    I have to add those to my list again, thank you for the reminder. They would be awesome on a Bagel Thin.
